Making a difference together
Creating Social Value is incredibly important to us and is something we have delivered for several years. Kinovo’s customer base is distinguished by relationships with Local Authorities and Housing Associations, servicing the social and affordable housing sector. It also includes public buildings and education, as well as the commercial and private sector. Our public and private sector clients rely on Kinovo’s support for more than 600,000 properties and schools, spanning all 33 London Boroughs. The introduction of PPN 06/20 in September 2020 has cemented our focus on Social Value, echoing the Government’s key Social Value themes.
Helping local communities
Creating new businesses, jobs and skills
It is equally important to keep supporting and building prosperity within the communities we serve.
We actively seek to help those in need: local food banks, schools and community initiatives within the local areas that we work
- We actively seek to identify local suppliers in the communities we operate within to provide us with the products and services we deliver
- We actively seek out small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who deliver exceptional service levels but given their levels, who are often overlooked within formal, prescriptive tenders due to their size
Fighting climate change
Effective stewardship of the environment
- Climate change is a huge challenge facing mankind. An increase in global temperature by more than 1.5°C from pre-industrial levels is seen as the environmental tipping point, which will forever change life on Earth. As a large organisation that uses resources and generates CO2 emissions, we are committed to reducing our contribution to climate change by setting a Net Zero target for 2040 at the latest
- All renewing electricity contracts are changed to 100% renewable electricity
- We have installed solar panels and a ground source heat pump, rainwater harvesting systems in our head office location
- We are transitioning to an EV fleet and are encouraging our staff to do the same. We are installing EV charge points across our estate
- We are reviewing the lighting across all our offices
- We procure a wide range of products sourced from various suppliers and produced all over the world. We are engaging with suppliers to identify suppliers who are ESGM aware and on a similar journey. We are focusing on limiting needless travel of raw materials across the globe, especially when more local options exist
- We are also continually examining how we can avoid buying and using single use items, as well as avoiding items that are made from scarce resources, or are difficult to recycle. We have shifted our preference to items that include recycled materials
Equal opportunity
Reducing the disability employment gap and tackling workforce inequality
- Diversity, equality and inclusion (DE&I) are key to what we stand for: equal opportunities are given to all those we seek to employ along with support for those who may be at a disadvantage
- Our employees come from every corner of the globe and this diversity helps us relate to our wide range of clients, suppliers and communities
- Modern slavery is often an invisible challenge, as it exists within complex supply chains. To counter this, we have created a series of checks and processes to ensure that the incidence of modern slavery within our supply chain is limited / eradicated
- We track a wide range of metrics to ensure we deliver on our values in this area
- We offer job roles to those who may otherwise struggle to find employment based on their personal circumstances. This could be down to an individual’s age, disability or a lack of training. We aim to overcome whatever barrier there is and offer them a role within Kinovo. Once employed, on-the-job training is supplemented by internal and external training